Hi, I'm Alex Douglas!

My name is Alex Douglas and I am both a Software Developer and Data Scientist! I am an expert in Python | R/R package | Docker | C++ | Golang | Git Version Control and much more!

I am currently completing my masters in the field of Computational Biology where I use Graph Theory and Graphlet Analysis to test, validate, and identify gene expression profiles between cancers.

My Current Experience

Below are a list of my projects and coding experience. By clicking on any corresponding icon below, you will be redirected to the respective project's GitHub page. On each GitHub page there is a detailed README.md, all of which can be reached by selecting any of the project icons.

  • Canadian COVID19 Dashboard

    A work-in-progress Web application that collects and displays Canadian COVID19 statistics to be seen with a quick glance.

  • Mobile Physics Game

    A mobile physics game developed to help first-year university students visualize the Natural Laws of Physics in action.

  • Robotic Tank

    The roboMaus project was used to explore hardware programming, data structures, and concurrency.

  • Wireless Trickle Network

    A wireless communication project that used a series of microcontrollers and wireless radios to act as commuincation network nodes.

My Ever-Growing Skillset

I am always looking to develop and learn new skills, hone and tweak old ones, and to always learn from my mistakes. Whether it's taking on an Interdisciplinary Studies master's degree or playing with new software technologies, there will be no shortage of opportunities for me to seek out and master.

Masters Degree

  • Continued Interdisciplinary Studies in the Realm of Neuroscience and Computer Vision

  • Grant holder of BC SUPPORT UNIT's 2019 Studentship Award

  • Will Graduate with a GPA of 3.44 GPA or higher

  • Estimated Defense in the Winter of 2020

Undegraduate Degree

  • Honours Major in Biochemistry and Moleculare Biology with a Minor in Computer Science

  • Two-time recipient of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

  • Graduated with a GPA of 3.26

Earned Certificates

Relevant Courses

Below are a list of skills that I have a proficient level of expertise with.

  • Python

  • Pandas

  • Numpy

  • SciPy

  • MatPlotLib

  • HTML5

  • CSS

  • ReactJS

  • SQL

  • Java

  • Linux

  • Apache

  • Git/Github

  • Object-Oriented Programming

  • R

  • Octave

  • Matlab

  • Jupyter Notebook

  • Statistical Analysis

  • Data Analysis

  • Research

  • Data Validation

  • Algorithm Implementation

  • Machine Learning

  • Software Development

  • Debugging

  • Troubleshooting